Tuesday, January 18, 2011

i need someone to talk...

It's a bit ironic. All i ever wanted was to work in the morning... First with a company that is well known for 100% customer service and award winning home grown talent. It was enjoyable and worth while however there were people who will really make your day miserable and sometimes
like hell. I was holding my decisions before leaving the company but for some reasons i decided to leave. Then, i was bum for almost a month. I've been thinking a lot, things that i want to do and my plan. Another opportunity came, again as a supervisor, morning job. I was tenacious before starting my week but when i started my work today, it feels the same way when i started with my first morning job. Someone told me that it's all in the mind. Try to fake things that you like your work and later you'll love it too. Probably, I was still looking for someone to prevent or someone who i look up to but that person left me.

I really need to be strong and hold tight to whatever i have now.

Hold tight Rjay... Hold tight... All your plans and dreams will come true... Just hold on tight...

Those are the words that i kept telling to myself...

Now, tears were flowing to my eyes while writing these words...

Because the truth is still don't know what to do...

So help me God...